Friday, July 12, 2013


U.S. congressional efforts are slowly in process, seeking to close the ridiculous catch-22 that ensnares kidney transplant recipients 36 months after transplantation. This bureaucratic trap halts Medicare coverage of their expensive immunosuppressive medications but resumes payment for dialysis when the resulting rejection causes the kidney to fail. In two prior postings on this blog; March 7, 2013 and  May 27, 2013 status reports on the Senate and House versions of the Comprehensive Immunosuppressive Drug Coverage for Kidney Transplant Patients Act of 2013 were provided.

Today's report is that additional co-sponsors have "signed on" to each bill. The Senate bill, initially introduced by Senator Durbin from Illinois, now has 11 co-sponsors. This means that 12/100 Senators, or 12% have committed to supporting the bill. Another 88 to go! Are your Senators on board? Use this Senate link to check whether both of your Senators have "signed on". If they have not, please give them a phone call......or send them an e-mail. Ask them to sign on to S.323 (the formal # for this bill in the Senate).

The current status in the House of Representatives is that 67 members have "signed on" to co-sponsor Representative Michael Burgess' original bill. This makes a total of 68/435, or 16% who have committed to supporting the bill.   Use this House link to determine whether your Representative is on the list and, if not, contact him/her. Ask for support of H.R. 1428.

Together we can make a difference. Legislators DO respond to their constituents. If we make it very clear that this Catch-22 is unacceptable, that we insist on change, and that we hold our own politicians accountable, we can be the agents of change. Take a few moments to take the simple steps outlined above. And, pass the link for this blog to someone else who will help make the change. We do have this power. You have this power. Please use it.

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